We offer a range of free guides to help coaches and athletes see how sports data and analytics can enhance sports performance training.
You can find guides for different men’s and women’s sports on Player Performance, Sports Data, and Load Management.
Are you interested in learning more about sports performance training and the role analytics play? These guides provide a better understanding of how collecting sports data can expose your strengths and weaknesses.
This collection of guides helps to explain how to apply real-time data on players’ movement, workload, and health. The goal is for you to get objective feedback and recommendations for training and recovery.
KINEXON Sports helps develop load management strategies for all men’s and women’s sports. This series of guides is for coaches who are trying to manage the volume and/or intensity of an athlete’s training.
Mechanical Load, which gauges stress on an athlete’s legs, provides valuable insights for efficient training and injury prevention. This guide introduces you to the tools that coaches can use to measure it.
Knowing how and when to introduce an athlete back to full contact at game speed can be difficult. But this guide is designed to help you put together a return-to-play protocol that is made up of objective insights built on technology.